Pengumuman Wawancara Internship Program 2017

Berikut adalah peserta yang lolos seleksi berkas beserta jadwal wawancara yang ditentukan. Wawancara akan diadakan di kantor ASEAN Studies Center Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Gedung BC ruang 209.

1 Flory Rahmah Abiwawanti 6 FEBRUARI 2017 10:00
2 Nina Arina 6 FEBRUARI 2017 10:30
3 Khairunnisa Simbolon 6 FEBRUARI 2017 11:00
4 Zahlul Pasha 6 FEBRUARI 2017 11:30
5 Erwin Mansyur U. Saraka 6 FEBRUARI 2017 13:00
6 Wahyunanda Kusuma Pertiwi 6 FEBRUARI 2017 13:30
7 Andi Muhammad Ibnu Aqil 6 FEBRUARI 2017 14:00
8 Farieda Ilhami Zulaikha 6 FEBRUARI 2017 14:30
9  Muhammad Ridwansyah 6 FEBRUARI 2017 15:00
10 Hafidhotun Nabawiyah 6 FEBRUARI 2017 15:30
11 Syifa R. Wibowo 6 FEBRUARI 2017 16:00
12 Fitriyani 6 FEBRUARI 2017 16:30
13 Siti Widyastuti 7 FEBRUARI 2017 10:00
14 Sahid Maani 7 FEBRUARI 2017 10:30
15 Diaz Kurniawan 7 FEBRUARI 2017 11:00
16 Kadhung Prayoga 7 FEBRUARI 2017 11:30
17 Ahmad Iffan 7 FEBRUARI 2017 13:00
18 Andreas Nugroho Rahardyanto 7 FEBRUARI 2017 13:30
19 Evan Sapentri 7 FEBRUARI 2017 14:00
20 Muhammad Hafiz Noer 7 FEBRUARI 2017 14:30
21 Aura Fadzila 7 FEBRUARI 2017 15:00
22 Dendy Raditya 7 FEBRUARI 2017 15:30
23 Annisa Maulia Fahmi 7 FEBRUARI 2017 16:00
24 Siti Komariah 7 FEBRUARI 2017 16:30
25 Khoir el Umar 8 FEBRUARI 2017 10:00
26 Mochammad Fajar Akbar 8 FEBRUARI 2017 10:30
27 Anggun Dina Putri Utami, 8 FEBRUARI 2017 11:00
28 Shofiyanto 8 FEBRUARI 2017 11:30
29 Halimah Garnasih 8 FEBRUARI 2017 13:00
30 Ruth Tarullyna Simanjuntak 8 FEBRUARI 2017 13:30
31 Jasmine Nadhira Lathifazaputri 8 FEBRUARI 2017 14:00
32 Randi Kurniawan 8 FEBRUARI 2017 14:30
33 Imas Lu’ul Jannah 8 FEBRUARI 2017 15:00
34 Pinto Buana Putra 8 FEBRUARI 2017 15:30
35 Tiarra Dya Arma Lucita. 8 FEBRUARI 2017 16:00
36 Gusti Agung Bagaskara 8 FEBRUARI 2017 16:30

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:

Public Lecture: Haze Indonesia and Beyond

Poster - Haze

Winners of “Call for Essay: ASEAN Community Post 2015”


It’s been three weeks since we, ASEAN Studies Center team, announcing a competition on Call of Essay: “ASEAN Community Post 2015”. We are glad to have so many participant which comes from a wide range of age and academic background. Hereby we announce the winners!

1st Winner: “Drawing ASEAN Limits and Strengths in Tackling Terrorism: Study Case of Abu Sayyaf Group” by Novita Putri Rudiany & Kholifatus Saadah

2nd Winner: “What Comes after ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015: A Threat from China’s Economic Downfall” by Niki Wahyu Sayekti

3rd Winner: “A Single Monetary Regime in ASEAN: Panacea or False Hope” by Muhammad Rasyid Ridho & Wening Setyanti


The Other Best 10:

  1. “ASEAN Political-Security Community: The Prospect of South China Sea” by Muhammad Ammar Hidayahtulloh
  2. “Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing in Southeast Asia: Why the International Regime to Regulate Commercial Fishing has Failed” by Muhammad Adrian Gifari Adi & Liya Rizqiya Armina
  3. “The Implementation of Security Pillar in Combating Transnational Crime in Southeast Asia” by Elida Rahajeng Puspitasari
  4. “A Blurry Potrait of Indonesia’s Agriculture Strategy in Asean Economic Community” by Muhammad Ibnu Mundzir
  5. “Narrowing the Education Disparities of ASEAN Higher Education in Post-2015 (Study case: ASEAN University Network as ASEAN Organization of Higher Education)” by Galuh Octania Permatasari & Siti Widyastuti Noor
  6. “ASEAN Financial Integration Post 2015: Key Objectives, Progress, Evaluation and Suggestion” by Calvin
  7. ASEAN Toward Global Market Integration : Enhanced Connectivity & External Relationship” by Arrizka Permata Faida

Congratulations for all the best 10! For those the winners and the best 10 authors please immediately contact Dika (0896-3149-5816) via whatsapp for further information of publication into ASEAN Studies Center website.

Public Lecture: Indonesia’s Foreign Policy during Jokowi: With or Without ASEAN?

poster-avery-pooleUnder President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Indonesia appears less oriented toward the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Earlier in 2014, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi embraced several new ideas on how Indonesia’s foreign policy will be directed under her leadership, which is now popular as “Pro-People” Foreign policy. Recent developments showed some moves in Indonesia’s foreign policy to promote bilateral diplomacy rather than multilateralism, strengthening ties with China, and  reluctance to take lead in the emerging South China Sea.

Is this a signal that Jokowi is now on his way to abandon “ASEAN-Centrality” and move to a “Post-ASEAN” regional policy?  What do these developments imply to regional politics in Southeast Asia?

ASEAN Studies Center, Universitas Gadjah Mada, cordially invites all students and researchers to discuss these issues in a Public Lecture with two Speakers:

  1. Dr Avery Poole (Lecturer in International Relations, University of Melbourne)
  2. Zain Maulana, MA (PhD Candidate at the University of Leeds, UK)

Moderator: Ahmad Rizky M. Umar, MSc.

The Groundbreaking Ceremony of Cooperation between ASEAN Studies Center UGM and Groningen Research Centre for SEA and ASEAN, University Of Groningen


ASEAN Studies Center Universitas Gadjah Mada (ASC UGM) merupakan satu dari sekian pusat studi ASEAN yang ada di Indonesia dengan inisiatif kerja sama dan produktivitas penelitian yang paling intensif. Sebagai institusi yang terdepan dalam penelitian tentang ASEAN dan Asia Tenggara di Indonesia dan ASEAN, ASC UGM berkomitmen untuk menjalankan peran tidak hanya sebagai pusat kajian, namun menjadi tempat belajar bagi akademisi dan ilmuwan dari seluruh dunia melalui Indonesia, khususnya di Universitas Gadjah Mada. Inisiatif ini sejalan dengan keinginan Groningen Research Center for Southeast Asia and ASEAN untuk berperan dalam menjembatani Asia Tenggara dan Uni Eropa sebagai dua kawasan dengan dinamika dan proses regionalisme yang masih berjalan. Di tingkatan yang lebih tinggi, University of Groningen sebagai gerbang utama untuk mempelajari bidang governance (tata kelola), regionalisme, dan spatial planning (perencanaan ruang)

Di sisi yang lain, kerja sama antar dua institusi ini (sister-institute cooperation) adalah usaha untuk mengonsolidasi 40 tahun kolaborasi UGM dengan UoG dalam beberapa bidang, seperti scientific and cultural exchange; ASEAN-EU engagement; interdisciplinary research; policy-relevance; middle income countries in ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar).

Melalui kerja sama ini, terdapat beberapa aktivitas yang akan diselenggarakan dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, antara lain:

  1. Konferensi Musim Gugur yang bertujuan mewadahi akademisi, ilmuwan, dan peneliti dari Asia Tenggara dan Uni Eropa dalam forum bersama pada tahun 2017 dengan tema “New Conception of Governance in Southeast Asia and ASEAN: Social Inclusion, Resiliency, and Sustainable Society and 21th Century”
  2. Peluncuran buku sebagai keluaran dari Konferensi Musim Gugur di Brussels pada tahun 2018.
  3. Pertukaran perwakilan di masing-masing ASEAN Studies Centre dan SEA ASEAN Groningen.

Acara ini dihadiri oleh Presiden UoG Prof. Sibrand Poppema, Direktur SEA ASEAN Groningen Prof. Dr. Ronald L. Holzhacker, Direktur Asosiasi SEA ASEAN Groningen Dr. Wendy Tan, Wakil Dekan untuk Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan Dr. Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati, Direktur ASEAN Studies Center, dan berbagai perwakilan institusi di tingkat universitas dan fakultas. Delegasi-delegasi di atas menyempatkan waktu untuk duduk bersama dan saling berbagi sambutan. Selain itu juga mengunjungi kantor ASEAN Studies Centre untuk melihat kondisi dan perkembangan yang ada. Acara ditutup dengan penyerahan cinderamata dari dan kepada masing-masing pihak. Harapannya, kerja sama ini dapat memperluas kerja sama antar dua kawasan melalui kedua institusi sebagai gateway dari masing-masing kawasan dan juga sebagai inisiasi memperkuat kerja sama antar pusat kajian lintas negara dan kawasan.

Call for Essay: ASEAN Community Post 2015

lomba-essay2ASEAN Studies Center Universitas Gadjah Mada mengadakan Kompetisi Esai dengan tema “ASEAN Community Post 2015” dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:



  • Socio-Cultural Pillar
  • Economic Pillar
  • Political and Security Pillar


Ketentuan Umum

  • Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp 30.000,-
  • Peserta merupakan masyarakat umum se-Indonesia
  • Pendaftaran ditutup pada 2 November 2016
  • Seluruh karya esai yang masuk akan menjadi milik ASEAN Studies Center UGM
  • Pemenang lomba diumumkan pada 9 November 2016
  • Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat


Ketentuan Esai

  • Esai merupakan karya orisinal dari peserta
  • Esai berbahasa Inggris
  • Terdiri atas 2000-2500 kata
  • Penulis boleh individu atau tim (maksimum 3 orang)
  • Ukuran halaman A4
  • Ukuran font 12
  • Font Georgia
  • Footnote and references dengan format Chicago Style
  • Tulisan tidak pernah dipublikasikan di media apapun
  • Non-Plagiarisme
  • Pengumpulan esai melalui email ke  dengan Subject : Essai Competition_Nama_Institusi



  • Juara 1: Uang pembinaaan sebesar Rp 1.000.000,- dan sertifikat
  • Juara 2: Uang pembinaaan sebesar Rp 750.000,- dan sertifikat
  • Juara 3: Uang pembinaaan sebesar Rp 500.000,- dan sertifikat
  • 10 Esai terbaik akan dipublikasikan pada website ASEAN Studies Center UGM
  • Seluruh peserta mendapatkan sertifikat


Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran

Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 30.000,- dapat melalui transfer ATM dengan tujuan sebagai berikut:

  • Rekening Bank Mandiri 137-00-1197-149-2 atas nama Dio Herdiawan Tobing
  • Rekening BCA 8610-215-727 atas nama Dio Herdiawan Tobing

Setelah peserta melakukan pembayaran harap melakukan konfirmasi ke  0896 314 958 16 (Andika)


Narahubung: Andika Putra (+62) 896 314 958 16



Public Lecture – Inventing Southeast Asia: The Idea of Southeast Asia in 19th Century Colonial-Capitalist Discourse

Feature - Remarks Farish

On 21 September 2016, Assoc. Prof. Farish A. Noor, a historian and political scientist from Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, delivered his idea on Southeast Asia in front of many students at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Three terms to be underlined are about construction, dialectics, and the politics of identity. Along with the historical process and dynamic in the region, he looks up the importance of Southeast Asia as a constructive concept which highly associated with the legacy of colonialism. It remains necessary to critically foresee the idea of Southeast Asia amidst the wave of modernity in the region.

There was never a notion of Southeast Asia itself. The culture, daily practice, fashion, way of thinking, and many others ontological parts which attached to society is merely a set of the colonialism legacy. Despite the World War II has served as a more advanced background of Southeast Asia, the adoption of Southeast Asia as a term can be traced back long ago when the wave of colonization arrived in Southeast Asia, which term is always being referred to Europe. The word of Southeast Asia was invented in 19th century, brought by the characteristics of colonial country. It is being brought by the British and Dutch scholars, implying that Southeast Asia is merely a product of European’s colonization legacy at the first place. Consequently, Southeast Asia was never seen as ‘Southeast Asia’.

The discourse over Southeast Asia evolves through the strong relationship of idea and knowledge. Ideas become powerful and hegemonic because it is being structured by the structure. When British took over Java Island from 1811 to 1816, the idea of Java and Javaneseness was constructively generated by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. In his two-volume book, he underlined two prominent events: those are the history of East Indian Company and its successes, and at the time when East Indian Company engaged in war. Raffles was constantly attacking his competitors. Therefore, the book purposed to propagandize Dutch Companies at that time.

Moreover, given the opportunity to capture the landscape of Java, Raffles illustrated that All Javanese are the same: (1) there is no distinction between Central Javanese, East Javanese, and Sundanese; (2) all of the Javanese profess Hinduism; and (3) the Javanese were the greatest ‘once’. In this case, Raffles was in attempt to bring the Javanese notion into the Museum through colonialism. However, this situation should be considered as double-edged knife, where the consequences of making Java into a single exotic term will provide valuable notion, at the same time being excluded as outsider from British perception.

On the other hand, Britain did not know what to do with Sumatra. According to the 19th century perspective, Sumatra is the land of cannibals, head-hunters, and pirates. The land was regarded being surrounded by evil and vice. This remains a mystery up until John Anderson, a company-man who was the only author during the colonial period explaining Sumatra, as well as humanizing Asian. He discovered that the piracy and cannibalism is not widespread.

Nevertheless, Anderson has typologized that Sumatra is the place where the economic structure has been developed despite its fragmented local occurrence. He took the lens of economics and markets that if these people are being paid, they can turn to be a tool to gain commodities. This is also worked mainly for sea-pirates. In this case, Anderson presents Sumatra as a market that can be brought to the context of global economy. To date, his empirical foundation towards the landscape of Sumatra became the main gate for capital penetration.

Hence, what is the impending challenge for Southeast Asia? The only thing is on how we name things. The process of naming Southeast Asia is staggeringly problematic, because it falls under the dichotomy of construction and idea. It is necessary to understand things through critical manner, particularly in the case of Southeast Asia. The gap between the understanding of past and what we have today will lead to the irrelevance of the actual understanding of our region.

Editor: Dedi Dinarto (researcher at ASEAN Studies Center, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada)

2016 Student Working Paper: Call for Paper


ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with INKA KOMAHI, encourage you IR Students across Indonesia to contribute your paper for Student Working Paper ASC UGM 2016.

We’ll be issuing a call for papers related to Human Security in Southeast Asia. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following :
– Poverty
– Human Trafficking
– Migrant workers
– Terrorism
– Refugees
– Natural Disasters
– Pollution

Abstract Submission = 1-7 September 2016
Abstract Selection = 8-15 September 2016
Full Paper Submission = 20 October 2016
Paper Revision = 20 October – 2 November 2016

  • Deadline for abstract submission is on September 7th, must be in 250-300 words in english.
  • Participants can proceed to write a complete paper after the announcement of abstract selection.
  • Abstracts and papers shall be written in 12-point TNR, 1.5 line space and citation as well as references should be attached.
  • Abstract must be submitted with subject “Student Working Paper” to email:
  • Selected papers will be compiled and published on ASC Working Paper.
For further information please contact the attached contact person
CP: Kevin (082214886944)

1st ASEAN Youth Initiative Empowerment Program 2016


ASEAN Studies Center, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, is proud to launch our 1st ASEAN Youth Initiative Empowerment Program 2016 that aims to increase the awareness of ASEAN issues among youth as the asset to take the opportunity in this integrated region. AYIEP 2016 will be held on August 14-21, 2016 by addressing the theme “Regional Diversity in Constructing ASEAN Identity”.

Although ASEAN is politically cohesive, economically integrated, and socially responsible in order to effectively respond to the current and future challenges and opportunities, however, the regional diversity on the minor issues believed as the importance bridge in connecting and strengthening the ASEAN member States and peoples which differ significantly in ethnic people, culture, religion, and historic experiences. The awareness of ASEAN identity could lead the young generation to contribute on the problem solving for the development of ASEAN Community.

Therefore, AYIEP 2016 has decided to deliver three important subthemes to represent the diversity and the dynamism of ASEAN member states, these subthemes are seen to be paramount as part of the development and integration of the ASEAN community as mentioned above. These sub-themes are reflecting the implications of incorporated values which are being hold by ASEAN as an organization; Disability, Women and Children, and Religious Ethnic Groups.


Thammasat University Scholarship for ASEAN Studies Master Program

Poster Thammasat

Thammasat University offers scholarship oppotunities for our international students of the ASEAN Studies program. These scholarships normally cover Tuition fees (plus accommodation fees and stipends per month for priority students). The selection process typically begins with an initial screening by our ASEAN Studies committee and then the list of selected candidates will be proposed to the Thammasat University for the final selection.

Regarding this, we’re very pleased to offer your students the first priorty to be  selected to potentially receive the full scholarship includingTuition fees, accommodation fees and stipends per month. If your students are interested in this scholarship, please ask them to follow the process of the application procedures here below.

Application procedures:

  1. Applicants must fill in the TU scholarship application’s form. (see the attachment) Only completed applications will be assessed. Incomplete applications may be rejected without further notification. All application documents should be submitted in English.
  2. Applicants must submit the completed application form and the accompanying documents by postal mail to the PBIC’s office.

ASEAN Studies Program
Pridi Banomyong International College, Thammasat University
2 Prachan Road, Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200, THAILAND

NOTE: To complete the application process, applicants must provide all supporting details and accompanying materials in English (official translation). Otherwise documents will not be taken into consideration. A failure to provide documents on request, or the discovery of either fraudulent documents or a misrepresentation of true circumstances in association with your application, may lead to the rejection of your application for admission, the withdrawal of your offer, or the cancellation of your enrollment.

Application Requirements:

  1. Applicants must have a degree equivalent to a four-year bachelor’s degree with an outstanding academic performance.
  2. Applicants must provide one of the official English language test scores as described below;

English Proficiency:

Test                           Required Score
TU-GET                    ≥ 500
TOEFL (PBT)             ≥ 500
TOEFL (CBT)             ≥ 173
TOEFL (IBT)              ≥ 61
IELTs (Academic)      ≥ 6.0


If you have any inquiries or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at our office or email us at or call us at +62 274 563-362 ext. 151