2016 Student Working Paper: Call for Paper


ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with INKA KOMAHI, encourage you IR Students across Indonesia to contribute your paper for Student Working Paper ASC UGM 2016.

We’ll be issuing a call for papers related to Human Security in Southeast Asia. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following :
– Poverty
– Human Trafficking
– Migrant workers
– Terrorism
– Refugees
– Natural Disasters
– Pollution

Abstract Submission = 1-7 September 2016
Abstract Selection = 8-15 September 2016
Full Paper Submission = 20 October 2016
Paper Revision = 20 October – 2 November 2016

  • Deadline for abstract submission is on September 7th, must be in 250-300 words in english.
  • Participants can proceed to write a complete paper after the announcement of abstract selection.
  • Abstracts and papers shall be written in 12-point TNR, 1.5 line space and citation as well as references should be attached.
  • Abstract must be submitted with subject “Student Working Paper” to email: aseansc@ugm.ac.id
  • Selected papers will be compiled and published on ASC Working Paper.
For further information please contact the attached contact person
CP: Kevin (082214886944)