Pengumuman Seleksi Wawancara AYIEP 2017

Yth. Kepada seluruh peserta seleksi Panitia AYIEP 2017,

Setelah melalui proses seleksi yang panjang dan dengan kompetisi yang tinggi, kami mengumumkan hasil seleksi wawancara panitia ASEAN Youth Initiative Empowerment Program 2017, sebagai berikut:


1 V. Y. Seto Damar
2 Hasya Nindita
3 Galuh Octania Permatasari
4 Fadilah Rahma NR
5 Rostya Septiana Putri
6 Heidy Melia Nefertiti
7 Anang Wahid Efendi
8 Alifiandi Rahman Yusuf
9 Patricia Martina Tobing
10 Dzikrullah Umam


Bagi nama yang telah disebutkan diatas, kami akan mengirimkan pengumuman kepada e-mail masing-masing.  Bagi yang tidak mendapatkan email, kami dengan berat hati menginformasikan bahwa anda belum diterima pada kepanitian kali ini. Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya.
Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:

Pengumuman Jadwal Wawancara AYIEP 2017

Berikut adalah peserta yang lolos seleksi berkas beserta jadwal wawancara yang ditentukan. Wawancara akan diadakan di kantor ASEAN Studies Center Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Gedung BC ruang 209.

No Nama Tanggal Waktu
1 Gidion Ivan Arly 23 Maret 2017 10:00
2 Alfian B. Satrio 23 Maret 2017 10:20
3 Valentinus Yudanto Seto Damarjati 23 Maret 2017 10:40
4 Sri Winarni Ardi Sutrisni 23 Maret 2017 11:00
5 Ubaidillah Amir 23 Maret 2017 11:20
6 Nikita Cendhani P 23 Maret 2017 11:40
7 Muzakir Haitami 23 Maret 2017 12:00
8 Alifiandi Rahman Yusuf 23 Maret 2017 13:00
9 Patricia Martina Tobing 23 Maret 2017 13:20
10 Gurindra Budi Prasetyo 23 Maret 2017 13:40
11 Hasna Nurain Muksin 23 Maret 2017 14:00
12 Dzikrullah Umam 23 Maret 2017 14:20
13 Rostya Septiana Putri 23 Maret 2017 14:40
14 Imra’atul Jamilah 23 Maret 2017 15:00
15 Nur Fajrhi 23 Maret 2017 15:20
16 Hasya Nindita 23 Maret 2017 15:40
17 Wahyu Ramadhan Yusuf 23 Maret 2017 16:00
18 Anang Wahid Efendi 24 Maret 2017 10:00
19 Rahil Helmi 24 Maret 2017 10:20
20 Rizky Fitri Lestari 24 Maret 2017 10:40
21 Galuh Octania Permatasari 24 Maret 2017 11:00
22 Heidy Melia Nefertiti 24 Maret 2017 11:20
23 Muhammad Alfian Kusuma Wardhana 24 Maret 2017 13:00
24 Amanda Mutiara Ayu Rahmawati 24 Maret 2017 13:20
25 Fadilah Rahma Nur R 24 Maret 2017 13:40


Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:

Bincang ASEAN Discusses “Politics in the Boardroom”

ASEAN Studies Center UGM held the second meeting of Bincang ASEAN in Friday (17/3), which invited Indri Dwi Apriliyanti (Lecturer at Department of Public Policy and Management, FISIPOL UGM and PhD Candidate from University of Agder, Norway). The meeting discussed Indri’s dissertation paper about the Politics in the Boardroom, which draws upon her on-going research about state-owned enterprises in Indonesia.

In her paper, Indri develops a theoretical framework to examine the relationships between decision making process and dynamics between Board in emerging market’s state-owned enterprise. She explained some issues related to diverse power distribution of Board members, decision making style, and attentional selection that was resulted from dynamics in the boardroom. She argues that effective decision can be obtained when there is balance of power, the majority of Board uses rational approach, and good corporate governance is operated within the company.

She concluded that Boards is inseparable part in national politcal economy, and more researches is needed to understand state-owned enterprises in emerging market countries, including Indonesia.

Next meeting of Bincang ASEAN will be held in Friday (31/3) to discuss IORA and Possible Shifts in Indonesia’s Foreign Policy.

Migration-Development Nexus: The Launching of Bincang ASEAN in UGM

ASEAN Studies Center UGM has launched Bincang ASEAN,  a regular event that provides critical discussions over recent development in ASEAN. The first discussion was held in Friday (3/3) in BC 207, FISIPOL UGM, and discussed Migration-Development Nexus: Migrant Labours and the ASEAN Economic Community. At the meeting, Dana Hasibuan (Lecturer at Department of Sociology, FISIPOL UGM) presented his recent research on Indonesian migrant labours in Wonosobo and East Lombok.

Dana’s research, which was funded by FISIPOL UGM Research Grant in 2016, uncovered the relationship between local development and the constitution of political subjectivity of migrant workers in these Districts. Drawn upon an extensive fieldwork during 2016, he found that economic motivation matters among Indonesian migrant labours from this areas, which was overwhelmingly led the Migration of people abroad as TKI after the establishment of ASEAN Economic Community in 2003. “The case clearly shown that capital penetration has already been embedded even in a small village”, he added.

Through a poststructuralist lens, he argues that the constitution of labour migration is inextricably linked with the process of local development and the transformation of statehood in Southeast Asia under neoliberal regime. It was strengthened by the fact that there are thin boundaries between legal and illegal migration, as well as narrow political exposure during the process of migration. “The government, therefore, needs to consider this issue as a political problem, not only about economic or local development issues”, Dana concluded.

The next meeting, which will discuss ‘Politics in the Boardrooms’ with Indri Dwi Apriliyanti (PhD Candidate at the University of Oslo), will be held on Friday (17/3) at BC 207.  (Rr/Armu)

ASEAN Studies Center UGM Leads Review of ASEAN Charter

ASEAN Studies Center UGM, in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry of Politics, Law and Security arranges a Focused Group Discussion to the discuss the review of ASEAN charter, which will be brought into discussion at the upcoming ASEAN Summit.

Dr Dafri Agussalim, the Head of ASEAN Studies Center UGM, spoke on some issues related to Human Rights in ASEAN.

Dr Dafri spoke alongside Dr Edy Prasetyono (University of Indonesia), Dr Riefqi Muna (Senior Researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences), Mr Sanga Pangaribuan (staff of Indonesian Permanent Representative in ASEAN) and several staffs from Directorate of ASEAN Political and Security Cooperation. This forum was also attended by several staffs from various Ministries and Directorates, as well as researchers from ASEAN Studies Center.

The Focused Group Discussion is conducted on Friday, February 24 th 2017, which takes place in Dean’s meeting Room FISIPOL UGM. In this meeting, the speakers debate the possibilities of revision in ASEAN Charter, particularly with recentupdates in ASEAN institutional development.

Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Wawancara ASEAN Studies Center 2017


Yth. Kepada seluruh peserta internship ASC 2017,

Setelah melalui proses seleksi yang panjang dan dengan kompetisi yang tinggi, kami mengumumkan hasil lolos seleksi wawancara Program Internship ASEAN Studies Center 2017, sebagai berikut:

No. Nama
1 Farieda Ilhami Zulaikha
2 Siti Widyastuti
3 Diaz Kurniawan
4 Ruth Tarullyna Simanjuntak
5 Imas Lu’ul Jannah
6 Pinto Buana Putra
7 Tiarra Dya Arma Lucita.
8 Annisa Maulia Fahmi

Bagi nama yang telah disebutkan diatas, kami telah mengirimkan pengumuman kepada e-mail masing-masing.  Bagi yang tidak mendapatkan email, kami dengan berat hati menginformasikan bahwa anda belum diterima pada periode internship kali ini. Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya.
Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:

Pengumuman Wawancara Internship Program 2017

Berikut adalah peserta yang lolos seleksi berkas beserta jadwal wawancara yang ditentukan. Wawancara akan diadakan di kantor ASEAN Studies Center Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Gedung BC ruang 209.

1 Flory Rahmah Abiwawanti 6 FEBRUARI 2017 10:00
2 Nina Arina 6 FEBRUARI 2017 10:30
3 Khairunnisa Simbolon 6 FEBRUARI 2017 11:00
4 Zahlul Pasha 6 FEBRUARI 2017 11:30
5 Erwin Mansyur U. Saraka 6 FEBRUARI 2017 13:00
6 Wahyunanda Kusuma Pertiwi 6 FEBRUARI 2017 13:30
7 Andi Muhammad Ibnu Aqil 6 FEBRUARI 2017 14:00
8 Farieda Ilhami Zulaikha 6 FEBRUARI 2017 14:30
9  Muhammad Ridwansyah 6 FEBRUARI 2017 15:00
10 Hafidhotun Nabawiyah 6 FEBRUARI 2017 15:30
11 Syifa R. Wibowo 6 FEBRUARI 2017 16:00
12 Fitriyani 6 FEBRUARI 2017 16:30
13 Siti Widyastuti 7 FEBRUARI 2017 10:00
14 Sahid Maani 7 FEBRUARI 2017 10:30
15 Diaz Kurniawan 7 FEBRUARI 2017 11:00
16 Kadhung Prayoga 7 FEBRUARI 2017 11:30
17 Ahmad Iffan 7 FEBRUARI 2017 13:00
18 Andreas Nugroho Rahardyanto 7 FEBRUARI 2017 13:30
19 Evan Sapentri 7 FEBRUARI 2017 14:00
20 Muhammad Hafiz Noer 7 FEBRUARI 2017 14:30
21 Aura Fadzila 7 FEBRUARI 2017 15:00
22 Dendy Raditya 7 FEBRUARI 2017 15:30
23 Annisa Maulia Fahmi 7 FEBRUARI 2017 16:00
24 Siti Komariah 7 FEBRUARI 2017 16:30
25 Khoir el Umar 8 FEBRUARI 2017 10:00
26 Mochammad Fajar Akbar 8 FEBRUARI 2017 10:30
27 Anggun Dina Putri Utami, 8 FEBRUARI 2017 11:00
28 Shofiyanto 8 FEBRUARI 2017 11:30
29 Halimah Garnasih 8 FEBRUARI 2017 13:00
30 Ruth Tarullyna Simanjuntak 8 FEBRUARI 2017 13:30
31 Jasmine Nadhira Lathifazaputri 8 FEBRUARI 2017 14:00
32 Randi Kurniawan 8 FEBRUARI 2017 14:30
33 Imas Lu’ul Jannah 8 FEBRUARI 2017 15:00
34 Pinto Buana Putra 8 FEBRUARI 2017 15:30
35 Tiarra Dya Arma Lucita. 8 FEBRUARI 2017 16:00
36 Gusti Agung Bagaskara 8 FEBRUARI 2017 16:30

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:

Public Lecture: Haze Indonesia and Beyond

Poster - Haze

Winners of “Call for Essay: ASEAN Community Post 2015”


It’s been three weeks since we, ASEAN Studies Center team, announcing a competition on Call of Essay: “ASEAN Community Post 2015”. We are glad to have so many participant which comes from a wide range of age and academic background. Hereby we announce the winners!

1st Winner: “Drawing ASEAN Limits and Strengths in Tackling Terrorism: Study Case of Abu Sayyaf Group” by Novita Putri Rudiany & Kholifatus Saadah

2nd Winner: “What Comes after ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015: A Threat from China’s Economic Downfall” by Niki Wahyu Sayekti

3rd Winner: “A Single Monetary Regime in ASEAN: Panacea or False Hope” by Muhammad Rasyid Ridho & Wening Setyanti


The Other Best 10:

  1. “ASEAN Political-Security Community: The Prospect of South China Sea” by Muhammad Ammar Hidayahtulloh
  2. “Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing in Southeast Asia: Why the International Regime to Regulate Commercial Fishing has Failed” by Muhammad Adrian Gifari Adi & Liya Rizqiya Armina
  3. “The Implementation of Security Pillar in Combating Transnational Crime in Southeast Asia” by Elida Rahajeng Puspitasari
  4. “A Blurry Potrait of Indonesia’s Agriculture Strategy in Asean Economic Community” by Muhammad Ibnu Mundzir
  5. “Narrowing the Education Disparities of ASEAN Higher Education in Post-2015 (Study case: ASEAN University Network as ASEAN Organization of Higher Education)” by Galuh Octania Permatasari & Siti Widyastuti Noor
  6. “ASEAN Financial Integration Post 2015: Key Objectives, Progress, Evaluation and Suggestion” by Calvin
  7. ASEAN Toward Global Market Integration : Enhanced Connectivity & External Relationship” by Arrizka Permata Faida

Congratulations for all the best 10! For those the winners and the best 10 authors please immediately contact Dika (0896-3149-5816) via whatsapp for further information of publication into ASEAN Studies Center website.

Public Lecture: Indonesia’s Foreign Policy during Jokowi: With or Without ASEAN?

poster-avery-pooleUnder President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Indonesia appears less oriented toward the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Earlier in 2014, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi embraced several new ideas on how Indonesia’s foreign policy will be directed under her leadership, which is now popular as “Pro-People” Foreign policy. Recent developments showed some moves in Indonesia’s foreign policy to promote bilateral diplomacy rather than multilateralism, strengthening ties with China, and  reluctance to take lead in the emerging South China Sea.

Is this a signal that Jokowi is now on his way to abandon “ASEAN-Centrality” and move to a “Post-ASEAN” regional policy?  What do these developments imply to regional politics in Southeast Asia?

ASEAN Studies Center, Universitas Gadjah Mada, cordially invites all students and researchers to discuss these issues in a Public Lecture with two Speakers:

  1. Dr Avery Poole (Lecturer in International Relations, University of Melbourne)
  2. Zain Maulana, MA (PhD Candidate at the University of Leeds, UK)

Moderator: Ahmad Rizky M. Umar, MSc.